DEVOTE Online Course & Community of Educators now online

In our project’s philosophy, you never stop learning! 

This is why we have dedicated months of work to the development of an online course for teachers to enhance the integration of students with migrant backgrounds in schools.

And today, our project has reached its objective: the publication of our Massive Online Open Course directed to teachers, educators, parents and school personnel. Along with the MOOC, we have designed the Communauté d'éducateurs, an interactive platform where the course participants can exchange ideas and best practices between themselves.

Do you want to know how it works? Have a look at our video:

To access both tools you can subscribe here (it’s free, and in seven languages – English, French, Italian, Dutch, Slovenian, Greek, Turkish): You will find many useful resources. Don’t worry, you don’t need to follow all the course if you don’t feel committing all your time, you can also just choose one or several modules that are most interesting to you:

  1. L'approche globale de l'école
  2. Assessing students with migrant backgrounds
  3. Soutien linguistique national
  4. L'implication des parents
  5. Psycho-social support
  6. Best practices for Intercultural Education.

The Forum proposes various sections where you can interact with your fellow educators and propose your own experiences and initiatives.

We are looking forward to your feedback on the platform, so don’t hesitate to let us know about your experience through this form.

We hope you’ll enjoy the course, and that you share your own practices and experiences with us and your fellow educators.


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