We need you! A call for devoted usability testers

As the new tools on DEVOTE’s website are now ready, the last phase will be launched very soon. It will consist in running usability tests to try out the developed platform and gather feedback, remarks and observations, in order to realise final adjustments before full release to the public. Our aim is to gather a large community of test users, giving them a preview access to all of the online content, that is to say both the Massive Open Online Course and the online Community of Educators. The latter is a forum-designed platform where every course attendee, through their personal account, will be able to communicate, share and exchange ideas and materials with their peers. This online tool has been developed as a forum, itself divided into topic-themed sub rooms to facilitate discussion. Many more exciting features are yet to be discovered and you can be part of it right now by registering here!

After registration on the form, appointed test users will be invited to try out the platform freely, follow some modules and check the online community tool. Their feedback will be then collected by a survey focusing on technical aspects, such as ease of use and efficiency of navigation.


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eleven + 7 =

  1. It was a very interesting experience as a student in the language and intercultural studies department. I am very interested in becoming a teacher and the material will be very useful.