Module 3: National linguistic support

The teaching of the language of instruction to migrant students poses particular challenges as this language is often a second or additional language which needs to be learnt and mastered to a sufficiently high level in order to learn other subjects.

What is this module about?

The module starts with an important consideration: students with migrant backgrounds not only need to master the second language to communicate in everyday life, but they also need to speak the language to access the disciplinary content.  

For this reason, the first paragraph was dedicated to defining the specificity of L2 of the study and its  differentiation from L2 for communication. The  module then proceeds by reviewing the main difficulties  encountered by students in the school environment which are not only linguistic but relate to a  lack of command of the language at a deeper level. These  situations are often difficult to identify and remaining submerged and are often classified as generic disengagement.  The transition from basic competence to the more complex  and elaborate one is not so immediate and natural and cannot be delegated to language teachers alone but must be  shared with teachers of all disciplines. This step requires a  series of possible didactic actions. In fact, the following  paragraph analyses some techniques to facilitate the access  of students with a migratory background to the disciplinary  contents.

Since these techniques are the subject of debate, in paragraph some critical issues in the  use of these strategies are examined. It then concludes by imagining conciliatory and practicable proposals bearing in mind that the objective of disseminating a culture of attention to the difficulties related to the language of study in schools and among teachers must somehow translate into an organizational didactic, aimed at creating the spaces and tools to concretely intervene on the difficulties widely described.

What is the aim of this module

  • Define the specificity of L2 for study.
  • Identify and alayse a repertoire of the main difficulties and their link with school failure and school dropout of students with a migrant background.
  • Know and analyse the main teaching strategies currently in use in schools.
  • Stimulate the creation of new tools for the analysis of students’ school needs and experiences.
  • Stimulate the creation of new models for more motivating school pathways.


+37 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Module Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 11 Topics
  • 1 Quiz