Modul 6: Najboljše prakse za medkulturno izobraževanje

Medkulturna vzgoja je lahko vzgojno načelo, medpredmetna tema ali pa se poučuje v okviru posameznih predmetov učnega načrta. V prvi fazi je bil opravljen začetni pregled obstoječih politik in ukrepov, povezanih z vključevanjem učencev migrantov v šole v 42 izobraževalnih sistemih.

O čem je ta modul?

Ob koncu tega modula bodo učenci:

  • Imajo vrsto praks, ki jih lahko uporabijo pri svojih učnih dejavnostih v medkulturnem okolju.
  • Gojijo kompetence in znanje, da bi bili aktivni akterji vključevanja.
  • Imajo nabor nasvetov in izkušenj, ki jih lahko kombinirajo ali prilagodijo, da ustrezajo potrebam in zahtevam njihovih učencev.
  • Zavedati se pomembnosti in pomena, ki ga imajo učenci v izobraževalnem procesu.
  • Imajo kompetence za uspešno izkoriščanje kulturnih razlik kot orodja za učenje in poučevanje.
  • Biti sposobni ustvariti nove izobraževalne dejavnosti, ki pozitivno vplivajo na vključevanje učencev z migrantskim ozadjem.

Kaj je cilj tega modula

Cilj tega modula je razviti kompetence izobraževalcev odraslih in spodbujevalcev, da bodo aktivni akterji vključevanja.

Cilji modula:

  • Deliti nabor učinkovitih in vključujočih praks, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti za izobraževanje v medkulturnem okolju;
  •  Izkoristiti že obstoječe izkušnje na področju medkulturnega izobraževanja;
  • Deliti nekatera praktična orodja, ki kulturnim razlikam dajejo vrednost in pomen;
  • Izmenjava praks za preoblikovanje izobraževalnih kontekstov v okviru izmenjave.


Lesson 1 - Welcoming Committee

  1. Notícias Magazine. (2020, March 25). Portugal: Schools with children from all over the world. European Commission. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from
  2. U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition. (2016). Newcomer Tool Kit. U.S. Department of Education.
  3. Guo-Brennan, L. & Guo-Brennan, M. (2019). Building welcoming and inclusive schools forimmigrant and refugee students: Framework and promising praxis. In K. Arar, J.S. Brooks & I,Bogotch, (Eds.), Education, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership and Praxis for a ChangingWorld,  (pp. 73-93). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing

Lesson 2 - Story circles 

  1. Building Resilience through the Development of Intercultural. (2021, May 28). UNESCO.
  2. UNESCO. (2021, May 7). Developing Intercultural Competencies through Story Circles [Video]. YouTube.
  3. Deardorff, D. K. (2020). The UNESCO Manual for Developing Intercultural Competencies: Story Circles. UNESCO Publishing.

Lesson 3 - KWL Charts

  1. How to do a KWL - TeachLikeThis. (2014, January 18). [Video]. YouTube.
  2. PAESIC project’s partners. (n.d.). PAESIC – PAESIC Erasmus+ Project. PAESIC Erasmus+ Project. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

Lesson 4 - identity texts 

  1. Goethe institut . (n.d.). Multilingual school projects. Classes bilangues - Multilingual school projects - Goethe-Institut . Retrieved February 25, 2022, from
  2. Goethe Institute. (n.d.). Classes bilangues - Theatre - Sessions - Goethe-Institut. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from

Lesson 5 - Language Biographies Methodology

  1. Eschenauer, L. Faire corps avec ses langues. Theatre and didactics: towards a definition of translangageance. E-CRINI - The electronic journal of the Centre for Research on National Identities and Interculturality, Editions du CRINI, 2014, Proceedings of the conference Languages in Motion, Languages in Motion, 6, pp.1-24. (in French)
  2. Atelier de recherche Compétences (inter) culturelles à l’Ecole, INSPE de CAEN. (2019, October 19). Ma biographie langagière et mon portrait langagier | @ltérité. @ltérité. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from
  3. Lycée Français de Tananarive. (2021, June 8). Le Mai des Langues 2021 | Biographie langagière des CM2b de l’EPFD [Video]. YouTube.

Lesson 6 - Artistic practices in language learning 

  1. Cummins J, Early M, Identity Texts: The Collaborative Creation of Power in Multilingual Schools, Trentham Books, 2011
  2. Exemples from: EN101 Author, Self-portraits Ideas for ESL Students, 2019,
  3. Stefanie Giebert, 'Drama and theatre in teaching foreign languages for professional purposes', Research and pedagogical practices in specialised languages [Online], Vol. 33 No. 1 | 2014, online 10 March 2014, accessed 28 February 2022. URL: ; DOI:
  4. Aflatoun Active Learning Methods: Image Theatre. (2015, December 11). [Video]. YouTube.
  5. (Ed.). (2019, June). KWL Charts: Reading and Learning Strategy Before, During and After Reading Strategy. National Behaviour Support Service (NBSS).
  6. Read Write Think. (2013). K-W-L Chart | Read Write Think. ReadWriteThink.Org. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from
  7. Facing History & Ourselves. (2017). K-W-L Charts. Facing History and Ourselves. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from
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Module Includes

  • 8 Učne ure
  • 39 Teme
  • 6 Kvizi