Module 4: Parental involvement

Students’ well-being at school also depends on their parents’ perception and attitudes towards school, learning and teaching (Trasberg & Kong, 2017; Smit, Driessen, Sluiter & Sleegers, 2007). Parents’ perceptions of the school may be shaped by a number of factors, these include discussions with their children, other parents and school staff, their children’s school performance.

What is this module about?

By the end of this module, learners will:

  • Identify the needs of migrant parents in supporting the educational inclusion of their children.
  • Map good practices of schools across Europe on supporting the engagement of migrant parents in the education of their children and in the school life.
  • Acquire perspectives with regard to the quality and level of involvement of migrant parents in the life of the school and the views of both, parents and school staff, with regard to the challenges.
  • Introduce obstacles and opportunities that exist for the improvement of parents’ engagement in the education of their children.

What is the aim of this module

The aim of this module is to develop competences of teachers to identify the practices of teachers and school administrators which support parent participation in their children’s schooling.

The objectives of the module:

  • Analyze patterns of migrant parental involvement, parental networking, and barriers in parental involvement and empowerment at case study schools in 5 partner countries.
  • Identify practical tools and good practices for migrant parental involvement and empowerment in order to enable schools to improve their strategies for migrant parental involvement.
  • Develop online tools to enable migrant parents to easily access information about school and education systems in EU countries and to network and exchange information among each other.


  • Bodovski, K. (2010), Parental practices and educational achievement: social class, race, and habitus, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31:2, 139-156
  • Desimone, L. M. (1999), Linking parent involvement with student achievement: Do race and income matter? The Journal of Educational Research, 93(1), 11-30.
  • Golan, S. And Petersen, D. (2002), Promoting Involvement of Recent Immigrant Families in Their Children's Education. Available online: involvement/publications-resources/promoting-involvement-of-recent- immigrant-families-in-their-children-s-education Accessed 11 July 2021
  • Tebben, charles (2017) "Immigrant Parental Involvement In Student Academics," Empowering Research for Educators: Vol. 1 : Iss. 1 , Article 3. Available at:
  • Turney, K. & Kao, G. (2009). Barriers to school involvement: Are immigrant parents disadvantaged? The Journal of Educational Research, 102: (4), 257-271.
  • Peterson, S.S., & Ladky, M. (2007). A survey of teachers’ and principals’ practices and challenges in fostering new immigrant parent involvement. Canadian Journal of Education, 30 (3), 881-910.
  • Schaller, A. & Rocha, L. (2007). Maternal attitudes and parent education: How immigrant mothers support their child’s education despite their own low levels of education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 35:5, 351-356.
+31 enrolled
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Module Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • 6 Topics
  • 1 Quiz